I've recently been on a huge Danny Kaye kick. I think in the last two days I've watched about four of his movies: The Court Jester, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, On the Riviera, and Wonder Man. Ok, maybe that doesn't seem like a lot - but remember, I was supposedly in the middle of exams. Watching funny dancers and singers is much more better than studying, in my point of view. Especially when Danny Kaye is the funny dancer and singer.
When I first saw The Inspector General I was amazed at his talent. His voice is more than decent, he dances like a dream (when he isn't goofing off), and he has the ability to make everyone laugh hytserically with his face twitches.
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is, I think, my new favourite film of his. Not only because I particularly enjoyed his performance of shy Walter Mitty with an overprotective mother, but because I truly can relate to his character. My mind is always going through some daydream or other.
I must admit, until recently the only Danny Kaye movies I had seen were White Christmas (with Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Ellen), and The Inspector General (a classic comedy!). With the viewings of the above-mentioned films, my respect for this talented actor has gone up, and I believe, will have a very difficult time finding reason to go down the scale.
Thank you for saving my stressed-out, exam-ridden mind, Danny Kaye. May you rest in peace.